
Installation instructions

Installation process is quite easy.

  1. Download FSME.
  2. Install qt development package for your system. For example, for Debian GNU/Linux it is achieved with the following commands for non-threaded and theaded versions respectively:
         root@host# apt-get install libqt3-dev
         root@host# apt-get install libqt3-mt-dev
    Any version should be enough to compile FSME, but I recommend Qt >=3.2.x due to some .ui issues.
  3. Ensure qmake, moc and uic are installed on your system. Usually, it is made at the previous stage, but some packagers may split qt into several parts, so install ones containing these applications.
  4. Use qmake program to create appropriate makefiles for your system. Maybe you will have to set QTDIR environment variable. It should point to the location of your Qt installation. On prepackaged systems, like Debian, it is located in /usr/share/qt3. If you compiled Qt yourself, specify it's top directory, e.g. /usr/local/qt-x11-free-3.2.2.


    export QTDIR=/usr/share/qt3

  5. Type make to compile FSME.
  6. FSME binary will be placed to bin subdirectory. Copy it somewhere in your path and enjoy.

Installation to system with Old Qt

On systems with old Qt installation, you can get the following message:
uic: File generated with too recent version of Qt Designer (3.2 vs. 3.1.x)
In this case I recommend to upgrade Qt to 3.2.x or higher. This should not cause any problems, as newer versions are binary compatible with old ones. If you cannot upgrade for some reasons, apply this patch to tweak file versions. But I do not guarantee successful compilation and work in this case.